Only a brain aneurysm (and a pandemic) could slow down Bernie Cardell. Here’s how The Denver Actors Fund has helped.
Success Stories
Dancer, teacher and life coach Rose Metcalf of Lafayette helped save hundreds of lives during a shipwreck in 2012. Here’s how The Denver Actors Fund and partnering dentist Brian Kelly helped her a bit in return.
Teaching Artist Kelcee Covert was burned in a small gas-stove explosion last year, leaving her with more than $1,000 in out-of-pocket medical expenses. Here’s how The Denver Actors Fund helped.
When actor Stewart Tucker Lundy found himself in need of extensive dental care, The Denver Actors Fund made sure he got it.
Actor Sharon Kay White underwent surgery for a torn rotator cuff and cannot work her “survival job” for the next two weeks. The Denver Actors Fund has provided $4,000 to help with essential living expenses.
Ne pacemaker really gets actor Jeff Butler’s blood pumping. Here’s how The Denver Actors Fund helped – and you can help us help him more.
Young actor was getting a COVID test when doctors discovered a cancerous tumor in his abdomen Aid recipient Caleb Reed: Caleb Reed has been acting on various area stages since 2016, including twice playing Will in “American Idiot” (for Ignite Theatre and Town Hall Arts Center) and twice playing the […]
First COVID took away her employment, then a breast-cancer diagnosis. Here’s how were helping Alicia K. Meyers, and how you can help us help her more.
The last thing you want to hear in a pandemic: ‘You need surgery.’ Here’s how The Denver Actors Fund helped.
COVID19 brought on the perfect dental storm: An infection, no money, no dental insurance and closed offices. Dr. Kelly to the rescue. Aid recipient: Actor, Producer and Director Robert Michael Sanders may be the best friend The Denver Actors Fund ever had. He’s given hundreds of volunteer hours producing and […]
For local actor Becca Greer: A baby, a pandemic and a frightening complication in quick succession. Here’s how The Denver Actors Fund helped.
‘Even with insurance, the bills were overwhelming‘ Aid recipient: Longtime local actor Tim Fishbaugh recently played bossman Mr. Hammerschmidt in Benchmark Theatre’s “Parfumerie.” OnStage Colorado‘s Lane Ware called Fishbaugh the anchor of the production, “deftly moving from the autocratic businessman at the start to a bewildered and broken-hearted man emerging […]
‘I am a part of a community that takes care of its own in a profound way’
Dr. Kelly comes to the rescue of BDT Stage lighting designer
From training to trauma center: Life changes in an instant